
YCT level 1 workbook 中小学生汉语考试一级作业本
A step-by-step approach to learning Chinese characters. It is aimed at students who have no or limited prior knowledge of Chinese.
This book starts by introducing the basic strokes of Chinese characters. It then focuses on recognising and writing the 112 most basic Chinese words. Pronunciation for simple phrases and vocabulary is available by scanning the QR code on each page.

YCT level 2 workbook 中小学生汉语考试二级作业本
A step-by-step approach to learning Chinese characters. It is aimed at students who have some prior knowledge of Chinese.
This book starts by revising the basic strokes of Chinese characters and reviewing YCT level 1 key concepts. It then focuses on recognising and writing the 73 Chinese words introduced in YCT level 2. Pronunciation for simple phrases and vocabulary is available by scanning the QR code on each page.

YCT level 3a workbook 中小学生汉语考试三级(上)作业本
A step-by-step approach to learning Chinese characters. It is aimed at students who have some prior knowledge of Chinese.
This book starts by reviewing YCT level 2 key concepts. It then focuses on recognising and writing the 78 Chinese words introduced in YCT level 3a. Pronunciation for simple phrases and vocabulary is available by scanning the QR code on each page.
Why YCT Workbooks
These workbooks are aligned to the Youth Chinese Test (YCT), an international standardised test of Chinese proficiency that evaluates the ability of primary school and middle school students whose mother tongue is not Chinese to use the Chinese language in their daily lives and studies.
This course is written with the requirements of non-heritage learners in mind.
Key features:
– Content linked directly to the YCT course outline
– Clear Chinese character writing exercises with stroke-by-stroke illustrations
– Fun revision exercises to aid knowledge retention
– QR code on each page for listening to Chinese phrases and vocabulary pronunciation (download the Google Drive App)
– Colourful illustrations to make learning fun for children and young adults.